Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The final blog… that’s right

I was in team: Off da wall news
I wasn’t expecting all the programs that we went over. I have learned more in this computer class than I’ve learned in all my computer classes. Even then, I still had an understanding of most of the programs that we have used. I didn’t have a hard time dealing with the blog and signing into, but I got around that and move on, to better things. I also had a difficult time with putting my pictures online, I am not the guy who likes to show his face all over the internet, but it was fun none the less. But when it comes down to it, the class was informative, fun (at times), and a royal pain in the ass (most of the time). I didn’t think we would be using programs off the internet, and it threw me off. But I got through it and made the best out of it. I am looking forward to my college career, with the tools I got from this class, it should be easy…

I missed a few things, but I also caught up as well. So, when I look back on all the crap we have covered. What I have learned and the projects that I did, the overall grade for this class, an –A.