Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Audio’s Next Big Thing

I am the producer from Skull’s Audio. Working with music artist is a fulfilling experience; being music to the masses. When I started working with sound in high school, I knew that I wanted to be a producer for a major audio company. Being part of the processes that I know millions of people are going to listen to makes the years of school somewhat tolerable.

In the next five years I hope to have my own company going. I many want to work with heavy metal and nu metal groups, the more you don’t understand the better... but when it comes down to it, I Love Music. But if that doesn’t happen I am happy right where I am working for Skull’s audio.

Music to me makes everything seem so much better, make us happy when we are sad or unhappy. Being apart to this industry is a great honor. Working with the entire musical artist makes me better at what I love to do, listening to music.